Fcel stock price history
FCEL - Fuelcell Energy Stock Price History - Barchart.com The Price History page allows you to view end-of-day price history (up to two years prior to today's date), view the latest trades, view corporate actions (U.S. equities only.) Barchart Premier Members may also download additional data using the "Historical Data" page, where you can download Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly data. FCEL Split History FuelCell Energy (FCEL) has 5 splits in our FCEL split history database. The first split for FCEL took place on November 17, 1999. This was a 3 for 2 split, meaning for each 2 shares of FCEL owned pre-split, the shareholder now owned 3 shares. FuelCell Energy - FCEL - Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Real time FuelCell Energy (FCEL) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis. Real time FuelCell Energy (FCEL) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis. The Motley Fool helps FCEL Historical Stock Prices
FuelCell Energy Stock Quote. FCEL - Stock Price, News ...
FCEL Stock Price Chart: Understanding the changing numbers of shares outstanding, the changing share price, and the resulting changing FCEL market cap history over the course of time is important for investors interested in comparing FCEL's market cap history versus its peers. Many "beginner" or "novice" investors will look at one stock Fuelcell Energy Inc (FCEL-Q) Quote - The Globe and Mail Detailed price information for Fuelcell Energy Inc (FCEL-Q) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades. FCEL Stock Price, Forecast & News (FuelCell Energy)
FCEL Stock Price, Forecast & News (FuelCell Energy)
FuelCell Energy Inc. Stock Price (FCEL) | Barron's Apr 03, 2020 · View today's stock price, news and analysis for FuelCell Energy Inc. (FCEL). Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, company earnings, market valuation and … FuelCell Energy - FCEL stock price history, 1 day charts ...
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL) Stock Price, Quote, History ...
Apr 05, 2019 · FuelCell Energy, Inc. engages in the provision of fuel cell power plant production and research. Its products include suresource 1500, suresource 3000, and suresource 4000. The company was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Danbury, CT.
Fuelcell Energy Inc Profile, Financial Information, Stock Quotes Charts, Financial Results, Segments, Competitors, Fundamental Analysis - CSIMarket.
Get breaking news and analysis on FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL) stock, price quote and chart, trading and investing tools. 17 Jan 2020 FCEL stock often gets compared to Plug Power stock. Though Meanwhile, short-term price movements don't completely negate that history. FuelCell Energy stock price history + stock price today + stock chart + seasonality chart + earnings + dividends + century-to-date Dogs of the Dow beating the
FCEL Stock Summary. As for revenue growth, note that FCEL's revenue has grown -13.66% over the past 12 months; that beats the revenue growth of only 13.41% of US companies in our set. In terms of volatility of its share price, FCEL is more volatile than 98.21% of stocks we're observing. FCEL - Fuelcell Energy Stock Price - Barchart.com It is based on a 60-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500. Price/Sales: Latest closing price divided by the last 12 months of revenue/sales per share. Price/Cash Flow: Latest closing price divided by the last 12 months revenue/cash flow per share. FCEL FuelCell Energy Inc. — Stock Price and Discussion ...